A new review of my comic strip is online. It’s on a site called Coyote Trax that reviews webcomics. You can find it here.

I’m really blown away from all the positive feedback I’ve received in the past month. I just want to say thank you to all you guys out there. It really means a lot to me.

‘Course, the problem with all this is that I’m not done with the website design quite yet and new people keep showing up. I’ve compared the situation I’m in to having a dinner party. Imagine that your house is a disaster and suddenly tons of people start showing up early for the party. Right now I’m scrambling, trying to “pretty-up” my site for the new guests.

I’ve decided, in the interest of speed, to just pay someone to design my site for me. I’ve already drawn up the blueprint but lemme know if there’s something specific you guys would like (or not like) to see.